5 février 2020
Philippe Tisseyre et al., « Revisiting the Acqualadroni's ram », HALSHS : archive ouverte en Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société, ID : 10670/1.bg5ser
In 2008 a naval ram, decorated with swords (Kopis andXiphoi) was recovered by the Soprintendenza del Mare offAcqualadroni in Messina. This ram was initially attributed tothe Battle of the Naulochus and dated to the first century BCin a preliminary study (Tusa,Buccellato 2011). In 2013,additional evidences like metal analysis of the spikes,chemical analyses on the timbers, and an new C14 algorithmsOxCal dating placed the construction to the 3rd century BC(median 287-279 BC), in the context of the First Punic War(Tisseyre 2013). We propose a new possible interpretation ofthe internal arrangement of the timbers in the ram,characterized by the presence of one or two internal metalsheaths. Furthermore, through a study on the constructionand mounting of the ram on the ship, we proposes a newconstruction technique of the assembly.