Challenges in Using Linked Data within a Social Web Recommendation Application to Semantically Annotate and Discover Venues

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20 août 2012

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Jakub Dzikowski et al., « Challenges in Using Linked Data within a Social Web Recommendation Application to Semantically Annotate and Discover Venues », HAL-SHS : sciences de l'information, de la communication et des bibliothèques, ID : 10.1007/978-3-642-32498-7_27


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This paper focuses on a semantically-enhanced Social Web Recommendation application, called Taste It! Try It! It is a mobile restaurants’ review and recommendation application based on a Linked Data source and integrated with a social network. The application is consuming Linked Data (while creating the reviews), producing semantic annotations (about the reviewed entities) and then, querying the gathered data in order to offer personalized recommendations. In this paper, we focus only on the consumption and usage of Linked Data for the needs of social recommendation system and point out the challenges and shortcomings that need to be addressed.

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