Analysis of the Methodologies for Evaluation of E-Government Policies

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3 septembre 2012

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Dalibor Stanimirovic et al., « Analysis of the Methodologies for Evaluation of E-Government Policies », HAL-SHS : sciences de l'information, de la communication et des bibliothèques, ID : 10.1007/978-3-642-33489-4_20


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Methodologies for evaluation of e-government policies do not provide enough valuable information to policy makers in conducting quality planning of e-government initiatives. Consequently, user acceptance of e-government services is below government anticipations, while the expected effects in terms of reducing costs and increasing the effectiveness of public administration are still in early stages. Paper presents an overview of existing methodologies for evaluation of e-government policies, identifies characteristics of recent evaluations and conceptualizes a theoretical framework for their comparative analysis. Analysis of more than 50 evaluation methodologies offers an insight into the current evaluation practice, enables detection of its deficiencies as well as their mitigation and could facilitate a significant contribution to more evidence-based evaluation of e-government policies.

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