Upper Palaeolithic Complex of Cultural Horizon 2G of Kovrizhka IV Site on the Vitim River (Baikal-Patom Highland) Позднепалеолитический комплекс культурного горизонта 2Г стоянки Коврижка IV на р. Витим (Байкало-Патомское нагорье) En Ru

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Teten’kin Aleksei et al., « Upper Palaeolithic Complex of Cultural Horizon 2G of Kovrizhka IV Site on the Vitim River (Baikal-Patom Highland) », HAL-SHS : archéologie, ID : 10670/1.bu21i2


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In 2016—2018 a living complex dated to ca. 18,6 kyr cal BP was excavated at Kovrizhka IV site, level 2G. This is an ocher colored area of 5.0 m in diameter, with a semi-circular hearth lined by four slabs, and a massive slab surrounded with large boulders and gneiss fragments. Slabs and boulders forming an arc were recorded on the periphery of the complex, and two pits (post-holes?) of 20 cm in diameter were found on the northern and southern outskirts. Based on use-wear analysis, 17 tools were identified as meat knives, scrapers and carvers for bone, antler and skins. Their number and composition indicate a short-term occupation. About 60% of artifacts in the collection are of quartz, hence it is assumed that access to pebble raw materials was seasonally limited. The three central stones in the hearth were heated to the temperature ranging from 250 to 380—440 °C. The source of ocher is hematite of two types: quartz-hematite association and rock with a significant content of calcite, chlorite, feldspar and mica. A comparison with the ore compositions of the known iron locations and archaeological sites showed that ocher was delivered from the north of Western and Eastern Baikal regions, situated more than 500 km away from Kovrizhka. The available evidence points to the existence of a winter dwelling. The closest analogies are known at the Transbaikalian sites of Studenoye–1 and 2, Ust-Menza–1 and 2, Sukhotino–4, etc.

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