Caracterização das internações de dependentes químicos em Unidade de Internação Psiquiátrica do Hospital Geral

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"The Psychiatric Admission Unit of the General Hospital (UIPHG) is integrated to the psychiatric reform movement. The aim of this study was to evaluate chemical-dependent’s ad- mission causes at the UIPHG Dr. Estevam in the city of Sobral, Ceará State. It was a documental study with a quantitative approach involving 203 patients who were admitted at the UIPGH Dr. Estevam from October 2005 to April 2006. Data were collected from a document filled during ad- mission process in the hospital. 95.1% of the sam- ple was represented by men, age range of 30-40 years (62.5%) and single (59.1%). The alcohol withdrawal syndrome was the main admission cause (76.3%). After leaving the hospital, 70% of the sample was conducted to aftercare at CAPS– AD. These results provide preliminary evidence for the need of mental health services emphasiz- ing alcohol dependence problem."

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