Del hogar cristiano a la escuela moderna: la educación como modeladora de habitus

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Bulletin de l'Institut français d'études andines

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Eduardo Kingman Garcés, « Del hogar cristiano a la escuela moderna: la educación como modeladora de habitus », Bulletin de l'Institut français d'études andines, ID : 10670/1.bxcgbt


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"This study attempts to investigate the role of the school in ?forming minors?. Even though this is a study based on historiographic sources, its interest is not so much in locating the historical conditions that determine a transition from one educational system to another, but rather in finding elements that allow one to understand the functioning guidelines of the school as a system. What is located are displacements in forms of control of children to other different ones, instead of progress in the school system. The study is located in Quito during the last third of the Nineteenth Century and the first decades of the Twentieth."

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