Conflict displacement and technology adoption: evidence on agricultural households in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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16 juin 2014

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Mathieu Sanch-Maritan et al., « Conflict displacement and technology adoption: evidence on agricultural households in Bosnia and Herzegovina », HAL-SHS : économie et finance, ID : 10670/1.bz3563


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This study deals with the literature about the impact of conflict-induced displacement. The aim of this paper is to study the link between conflict-induced displacement and under adoption of agricultural technologies. We exploit data from Bosnian household survey for year 2001. To account for endogeneity in the displacement status, we exploit the heterogeneity of the level of violence in the pre-war location. This level likely affected the displacement decision is disconnected from economic performance. We find evidence that displaced household are less likely to adopt fertilizer relative to stayers. Land tenure issue for displaced people in Bosnia are the most plausible candidates to explain under adoption. Finally, we draw some implications to guide design of political economy.

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