Dewey as experience

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1 décembre 2020

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Carlos Manuel Montenegro Ortiz, « Dewey as experience », Escritos - Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, ID : 10670/1.bzbwiq


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What did John Dewey mean by the experience? Researchers of John Dewey's work (philosophers, psychologists, artists and educators, among many others) often attempt to decipher the American thinker's thesis, statements and postulates. However, specific approaches have probably become inexact when interpreting many of his concepts, even thinking that they are superficial idealism. Detailed state-of-the-art review during the past decade, in terms of the idea of experience in Dewey, makes it possible to think that this concept -although not precisely defined as that of a dictionary- can be analyzed more accurately. The last is the debate and reflection that will be open to the academic community in this paper; to clarify and, subsequently, define the concept, two fundamental and inherent aspects are presented in this document: first, the pragmatist line that addresses an epistemological framework of the idea; second, two Deweyan elements will be enlightened, these are the living organism and nature, which, as the axis of an empirical influence, are analyzed from the Vermont philosopher's perspective. This concept also addresses three essential perspectives: biological, psychological and social, bearing in mind that, according to Dewey, real experiences occur if "meaning" comes after. Finally, an interpretative approach will answer, as possible, the question posed at the beginning of this abstract.

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