Evaluation of the Tuto’Tour pregnancy intervention among pregnant smokers in vulnerable situations

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Maëva Chavin et al., « Evaluation of the Tuto’Tour pregnancy intervention among pregnant smokers in vulnerable situations », Santé Publique, ID : 10670/1.c6s6h7


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Introduction: In France, pregnant women generally receive written information about their pregnancy. The efficacy of these materials is limited for socially disadvantaged women, who are more likely to have lower levels of health literacy. As an alternative tool, awareness-raising videos have become popular, and the “Tuto’Tour de la grossesse” health promotion intervention has been created, which includes videos about smoking. The study objective was to evaluate the acceptability, usability, and accessibility of two videos about smoking among pregnant smokers in vulnerable situations. Methods: We conducted semi-structured interviews with these women, using a participatory approach. We then carried out a hybrid qualitative analysis, combining an analysis based on a conceptual framework and an inductive analysis. Results: Out of twenty participants, nine were separated from their child’s father and nine were unemployed. Twelve participants had less than a baccalaureate level of education and seven had a mother tongue other than French. Participants found the videos acceptable, usable, and accessible. We received positive feedback about the efficacy of the videos in terms of participants’ ability, opportunity, and motivation to change their behavior. Suggestions for improving the videos were made. Conclusions: Other studies have looked at health promotion with similar interventions, but acceptability, usability, and accessibility have not been tested with socially disadvantaged women. These videos, which are acceptable, usable, and accessible to socially disadvantaged people, seem to have an influence on two out of three factors leading to behavior change. They could now be tested on a larger scale in a randomized controlled study.

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