Two Clunisian collections of Augustinian sermons. A reply to a review in Medioevo Latino. Wiener Studien|Wiener Studien 124 124|

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7 novembre 2011

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Gert Partoens, « Two Clunisian collections of Augustinian sermons. A reply to a review in Medioevo Latino. Wiener Studien|Wiener Studien 124 124| », Elektronisches Publikationsportal der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschafte, ID : 10670/1.cmj481


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In reply to a review in Medioevo Latino (2008) of an article published in the 2007 volume of the Recherches Augustiniennes et Patristiques, the present article proves that two medieval homiletical compilations that have been preserved in Bruxelles Bibl. Roy. 14920 – 22 and Vat. lat. 471/London Brit. Libr. add. 10942 and that were used by Angelo Mai, Germain Morin and André Wilmart for the publication of several previously unknown sermons of saint Augustine, were both produced at Cluny. It also refutes the hypothesis according to which the compilation preserved in the manuscripts of the Vatican and London was made in Carolingian Lyon by the famous deacon Florus.

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