Tests of an Active, Broad-band Antenna Array. Planetary Radio Emissions| PLANETARY RADIO EMISSIONS VII 7|

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29 décembre 2011

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A. A. Gridin et al., « Tests of an Active, Broad-band Antenna Array. Planetary Radio Emissions| PLANETARY RADIO EMISSIONS VII 7| », Elektronisches Publikationsportal der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschafte, ID : 10670/1.cpj953


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In this paper, test results from a 25-element active antenna prototype array operating in the frequency range of 10–70 MHz are presented. Observations of radio emission from different sources: solar sporadic radio emission and powerful cosmic radio sources including their ionosphere scintillation, demonstrate the high effectiveness of the system due to the Galactic background limited sensitivity and high dynamic range of the antenna amplifier (noise immunity). This demonstrates the capability of this 25-element active antenna array to engage in a wide range of unique wide band radio astronomical observations of solar system objects that do not require high sensitivity and angular resolution.

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