On A War Like No Other: The Constitution in a Time of Terror, by Owen Fiss

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1 janvier 2018

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Esteban Restrepo Saldarriaga et al., « On A War Like No Other: The Constitution in a Time of Terror, by Owen Fiss », Isonomía, ID : 10670/1.cuv82d


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On September 8, 2017, with the co-sponsorship of the Center of Constitutional Studies of the Mexican Supreme Court (CEC-SCJN), the ITAM Department of Law invited Owen M. Fiss, Sterling Professor Emeritus of the Yale Law School. He was appointed Distinguished Visiting Professor of ITAM —the highest academic award in the university— and a seminar on some of his recent work was conducted both at ITAM and at the CEC-SCJN. The program included the presentation and public discussion of Fiss’ book on the erosion that the so-called “war on terror” exerted on the most basic principles of the US Constitution. The book has been recently translated into Spanish by Francisca Pou Giménez (Una guerra sin igual. La constitución en los tiempos del terrorismo, Marcial Pons, 2017). We are now happy to publish the comments of three of the participants in the book panel —Esteban Restrepo Saldarriaga, Marcelo Ferrante and Pau Luque Sánchez— in the order in which they were delivered that day.

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