Randonnée: conseils utites aux patients (2e partie) [Hiking and useful advices to patients: part II].

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I. Labgaa et al., « Randonnée: conseils utites aux patients (2e partie) [Hiking and useful advices to patients: part II]. », Serveur académique Lausannois, ID : 10670/1.cxsnc2


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The attraction of walking as a pastime has grown enormously in Switzerland over the past few years. Synonym of health and wellbeing, this activity carries some risks which more and more patients are questioning; answering these questions is not always obvious, so we wanted to tackle the subject. This second section concerns risks linked to food which can be found in the forest. Echinococcosis is an underestimated parasite which affects a large proportion of foxes in Switzerland. This infectious disease can also affect man following contamination which usually occurs through eating berries. Prevention is the most effective way to avoid poisoning by mushrooms. In case of poisoning, the physician must try and determine the toxidrome. The key element is the length of time before symptoms develop. Treatment is always symptomatic, using activated charcoal.

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