How powerful is ISO 9000 when it comes to satisfying Lebanese packaging customers?

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L’élévation dans le nombre de firmes qui investissent pour obtenir la certification ISO 9000 contraste avec la carence en études examinant l’effet de cette certification sur la satisfaction des clients. De ce fait, cette investigation a pour but de démontrer si cette certification mène les entreprises à atteindre la fin qu’ils ciblent avec leurs clients, ainsi que l’opinion de ces clients industriels envers leurs fournisseurs qui sont certifiés ISO 9000.

Although the number of firms working on acquiring the ISO 9000 certification both globally and in Lebanon is constantly on the rise, the scarcity of global research appraising if the ISO 9000 certification influences customer satisfaction and the lack of related research in Lebanon are disconcerting. Consequently, this study aspires towards bridging the gap between what packaging ISO 9000-certified companies in Lebanon hope to accomplish in relation to their customers through their certification and where reality stands from the outlook of those same customers regarding the certification of their suppliers.

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