The binomial center-periphery and the evaluation of science based on indicators

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1 juin 2019

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Dirce Maria Santin et al., « The binomial center-periphery and the evaluation of science based on indicators », Investigación bibliotecológica, ID : 10670/1.d4ahh5


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The evaluation of science based on bibliometric indicators can generate greater visibility for the science of the peripheries or build and sustain peripheral situations in the scientific system. This article reflects on the center-periphery binomial in science, the division between mainstream and peripheral science, and the use of indicators to evaluate of peripheral spaces. It discusses the limited scope of mainstream science metrics to evaluate of peripheries and the need to adapt the indicators to the fields and contexts where phenomena occur, recognizing the objectives of science and technology systems. It concludes by pointing out the main challenges of science evaluation in peripheral spaces, puttingputting emphasis on the creation of data sources most representative of the science of these countries and on the search for more inclusive indicators, with a plural and contextual approach capable of representing more broadly the peripheral science.

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