Classroom assessment tasks and learning trajectories

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6 février 2019

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Eleni Demosthenous et al., « Classroom assessment tasks and learning trajectories », HAL-SHS : sciences de l'éducation, ID : 10670/1.disvd0


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One of the purposes of assessment is to inform the classroom teacher about students’ current understanding in order to improve the teaching and learning processes. Learning trajectories present a developmental progression towards increasing understanding of mathematical ideas and are commonly found in curriculum materials to assist teachers in planning instruction. Assessing students’ learning along the trajectory could serve as a mediator for adjusting the pacing and the selection of opportunities during the classroom enactment. We propose a framework for designing different types of assessment tasks to elicit evidence about how students respond to the mathematical ideas presented in the trajectory. We illustrate the application of the framework by drawing on a learning trajectory of fraction division for sixth grade students and discuss how the enactment of the trajectory in classroom could be adjusted to students’ current understanding.

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