Formative assessment of proof comprehension in undergraduate mathematics: Affordances of iterative lecturer feedback

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6 février 2019

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Alon Pinto et al., « Formative assessment of proof comprehension in undergraduate mathematics: Affordances of iterative lecturer feedback », HAL-SHS : sciences de l'éducation, ID : 10670/1.drh0t1


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Research shows that lecturer feedback on students’ proofs is crucial for developing proof-comprehension in advanced mathematics courses, yet students often fail to comprehend lecturer feedback, and only rarely receive further feedback on their revisions. In this study we investigate the affordance of a novel formative-assessment scheme, designed and enacted by a mathematics professor, which employed multiple rounds of lecturer-feedback / student-revision. We analyze one such round, focusing on various facets of proof comprehension that underlie the lecturer’s feedback and the student’s subsequent revisions. On the basis of this analysis we discuss various ways in which lecturers can leverage feedback/revision cycles, not only for gaining insight into students’ comprehension, but also for fostering meta-level ideas, and affording opportunities for students to develop agency and holistic proof comprehension.

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