Why are not exports generating a positive effect on Colombian labor productivity? Evidence from Colombian manufacturing sector (2005-2015)

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1 décembre 2023

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Julián Berrio Royero, « Why are not exports generating a positive effect on Colombian labor productivity? Evidence from Colombian manufacturing sector (2005-2015) », Revista de Economía del Caribe, ID : 10670/1.dwy4un


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: The following article presents the causal relationship analysis between labor productivity and exports in the Colombian manufacturing sector for 2005-2015, where the effect and consequences of the hypothesis of self-selection and learning by exporting are studied. The purpose of this research is to gather empirical evidence that proves the positive impact of foreign sales on the rise of labor productivity, through a data panel model with the microdata available for the Colombian manufacturing sector in the studied period. The results show significant empirical evidence that argues for the self-selection effect hypothesis in Colombian exporting firms, where only companies with better productivity indices can face entry costs in the international market. Finally, the conclusions and recommendations are centered on generating policies focused on export offer diversification and increased R&D investment.

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