Mortensen Peder (ed.), Bayt al-ʿAqqad. The History and Restoration of a House in Old Damascus avec des contributions d’E. Hoffmeyer, P. Mortensen, J. Nordquist, B. Lange, J. Dambourg, M. Boquist, V. Thomsen, J. Castella, K. S. Freyberger, T. Flemming, S. Weber, C.-P. Haase, A. Meier, J. Skovgaard-Petersen et K. von Folsach. Aarhus, Aarhus University Press, Danish Institute of Damascus IV, 2005

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Marianne Barrucand, « Mortensen Peder (ed.), Bayt al-ʿAqqad. The History and Restoration of a House in Old Damascus avec des contributions d’E. Hoffmeyer, P. Mortensen, J. Nordquist, B. Lange, J. Dambourg, M. Boquist, V. Thomsen, J. Castella, K. S. Freyberger, T. Flemming, S. Weber, C.-P. Haase, A. Meier, J. Skovgaard-Petersen et K. von Folsach. Aarhus, Aarhus University Press, Danish Institute of Damascus IV, 2005 », Bulletin critique des Annales islamologiques (documents), ID : 10670/1.e34553...


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Barrucand Marianne. Mortensen Peder (ed.), Bayt al-ʿAqqad. The History and Restoration of a House in Old Damascus avec des contributions d’E. Hoffmeyer, P. Mortensen, J. Nordquist, B. Lange, J. Dambourg, M. Boquist, V. Thomsen, J. Castella, K. S. Freyberger, T. Flemming, S. Weber, C.-P. Haase, A. Meier, J. Skovgaard-Petersen et K. von Folsach. Aarhus, Aarhus University Press, Danish Institute of Damascus IV, 2005. In: Bulletin critique des annales islamologiques, n°22, 2006. pp. 128-129.

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