Explicating the South African Psychological Ownership Questionnaire's confirmatory factor analysis model fit: A Bayesian structural equation modelling approach

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1 janvier 2019

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Pieter Schaaps, « Explicating the South African Psychological Ownership Questionnaire's confirmatory factor analysis model fit: A Bayesian structural equation modelling approach », SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, ID : 10670/1.e3o651


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ORIENTATION: The rigid application of conventional confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) techniques, the overreliance on global model fit indices and the dismissal of the chi-square statistic appear to have an adverse impact on the research of psychological ownership measures RESEARCH PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to explicate the South African Psychological Ownership Questionnaire's (SAPOS's) CFA model fit using the Bayesian structural equation modelling (BSEM) technique. Motivation for the study: The need to conduct this study derived from a renewed awareness of the incorrect use of the chi-square statistic and global fit indices of CFA in social sciences research. RESEARCH APPROACH/DESIGN AND METHOD: The SAPOS measurement model fit was explicated on two study samples consisting, respectively, of 712 and 254 respondents who worked in various organisations in South Africa. A Bayesian approach to CFA was used to evaluate if local model misspecifications were substantive and justified the rejection of the SAPOS model. MAIN FINDINGS: The findings suggested that a rejection of the SAPOS measurement model based on the results of the chi-square statistic and global fit indices would be unrealistic and unfounded in terms of substantive test theory PRACTICAL/MANAGERIAL IMPLICATIONS: BSEM appeared to be a valuable diagnostic tool to pinpoint and evaluate local CFA model misspecifications and their effect on a measurement model. CONTRIBUTION/VALUE-ADD: This study showed the importance of considering local misspecifications rather than only relying the chi-square statistic and global fit indices when evaluating model fit.

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