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In Copyright , Urheberrechtsschutz , Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut | Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften , Institut für Orientalische und Europäische Archäologie | Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften , Austrian Archaeological Institute | Austrian Academy of Sciences , Institute for Oriental and European Archaeology | Austrian Academy of Sciences , ,

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Fiona V. Richards et al., « TD_FZ_4DPuzzle167__TD_F-I_o17_Grab5_Westprofil.tif », ARCHE : Centre de ressources et de données pour les humanités numériques autrichien, ID : 10670/1.e3vlcd


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The file with the name 'TD_FZ_4DPuzzle167__TD_F-I_o17_Grab5_Westprofil' is a scan of a fielddrawing (type 'Feldzeichnung__Profil') with the inventory number '4DPuzzle167'. The document ID is 'TD_FZ_4DPuzzle167' and the document title is 'TD_F-I_o17_Grab5_Westprofil'. The fielddrawing was documenting 'TD_F-I_o17_Grab5_Westprofil' and 'TD_F-I_o17_Grab5' and 'no value provided'. It was drawn in '1989' by 'Fiona Richards'. The fielddrawing is a drawing in scale '1:10' on 'millimeterpapier'. It is kept in the OREA archive in a folder titled ‘'F/I-o/17 Details'’. The drawer's comment which was written on the fielddrawing was ‘'no value provided'’. The scan was made from the 'no property source_original_copy_edited-copy defined'. The scan ('.tif'-file) was made on '2016-09-26' by 'orea'. The scan was made with a 'epson expression 10000xl' scanner and a resolution of 'no value provided' ppi. Metadata were created on '2016-09-26' by 'Julian Posch'. The comment during digitisation was ‘'no value provided'’. Copyright is held by ÖAW (ÖAI/OREA). Access to the file is 'public'.

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