A Typological Overview of Relative Clause Structure in Mesoamerican Languages

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Enrique L Palancar et al., « A Typological Overview of Relative Clause Structure in Mesoamerican Languages », HAL-SHS : linguistique, ID : 10670/1.e7ei2p


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In this chapter, we identify what constitutes the canonical profile of relative constructions in the Mesoamerican languages. We propose that the typical Mesoamerican relative clause is a morphosyntactic finite relative clause with a gap, but when the relativized position is that of locative, a relative pronoun is typically used (with this pattern reaching out beyond Mesoamerica). In our proposal, we have identified three structural traits that we take to be Mesoamerican: (i) relative clauses introduced by determiners which agree in deixis with the determiner of the DP in which the domain nominal of the relative clause is embedded; (ii) the so-called ʻpied-piping with inversionʼ introduced by Smith-Stark (1988) for interrogatives that has percolated into relative clause structure; and (iii) headless relative clauses with a gap, that is, headless relative clauses where there is little indication as to the role of the relativized element. 2 CHAPTER 1

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