Family language policy in France : Current avances and future challenges

Résumé En

Family Language Policy (FLP) has emerged as a crucial area of sociolinguistic research, particularly in migratory contexts involving families with first-generation multilingual backgrounds (King & Fogle, 2013). This presentation examines the current state of FLP research in France, highlighting the relative paucity of scholarly interest in this domain. The discussion begins with a historiography of sociolinguistic studies in France, followed by an overview of extant research and key researchers in the field of FLP. Attention will be given to the methodological challenges and hypothesized reasons for the apparent disengagement with this topic in the French academic context. The presentation argues that significant challenges persist, including: (1) fully comprehending the pivotal role of families in fostering multilingualism, (2) navigating the complexities of family as a field site with its inherent intricacies and access difficulties (Curdt-Christiansen, 2018), and (3) addressing the linguistic and cultural identity issues pertinent to younger generations in multilingual families (Spolsky, 2012; Haque 2011, 2019). This presentation aims to synthesize current knowledge, identify research gaps, and propose future directions for FLP studies in the French context, thereby contributing to a broader understanding of language policy at the family level in diverse societies (Schwartz & Verschik, 2013).

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