Feminisms and critical rural development, 2003

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1 juin 2004

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Janet G. Townsend, « Feminisms and critical rural development, 2003 », Agricultura, sociedad y desarrollo, ID : 10670/1.ecbj59


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In the 21st century, the global academic community suffers from excessive domination by english-speaking academics with excellent access to the mass of writing in english. Theory is crucial to us all, but in social science, writings in english privileges theory too much over grounded research. This is found not only in rural development, and in the author's own subject of geography, but in feminism, for all its claims to be open and inclusive. Critical rural development, which is critical of contemporary economic and political relations, can learn from the experiences of geography and feminism of the urgent need to engage in a new sustained collective endeavour involving many people working from a variety of viewpoints in different parts of the world (Stanley and Wise 2000) in confronting the world's real problems and, as a necessary part of the process, in overcoming this domination.

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