Research on Quality Indicators to Guide Teacher Training to Promote an Inclusive Educational Model

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1 avril 2021

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María José Navarro-Montaño et al., « Research on Quality Indicators to Guide Teacher Training to Promote an Inclusive Educational Model », Revista Electrónica Educare, ID : 10670/1.ee74e6


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The work we present is an ongoing research project on school inclusion, its implications for education, and an analysis of quality indicators. The research’s main objective is to analyze the beliefs and training needs that teachers have on inclusive education to consider some quality indicators for their training. The research was conducted at all levels of the Spain’s education system, except for higher education, i.e., namely early childhood education, primary education, secondary education, baccalaureate, and training modules. The study uses a qualitative research approach. Interviews were conducted with an open-ended questionnaire, one per interviewee, except for the principal and head teacher, who were interviewed as members of the board. Based on the analysis of data, results, and conclusions, we propose quality indicators to guide teachers’ training. The most relevant indicators are linked to the need to promote an inclusive educational model in which schools develop inclusive institutional projects, and teacher training is aligned with educational inclusion. This model is based on learning programs aligned with inclusive educational practices and needs and focuses on comprehension, democracy, and participation principles.

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