Between-desk-teaching as a deliberate act of making content available: The case of Bernie teaching ratio

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6 février 2019

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Nick Andrews, « Between-desk-teaching as a deliberate act of making content available: The case of Bernie teaching ratio », HAL-SHS : sciences de l'éducation, ID : 10670/1.efa8y4


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Between-desks-teaching is recognised as a feature of mathematics classrooms across the world. Previous studies have sought to describe the range of purposes of this lesson event within a lesson and have been concerned with the orchestration of the classroom. Yet there has been little attention given to the role of between-desks-teaching beyond a single lesson, such as its contribution to how mathematical content is made available to learners over time. The current study explores what is happening mathematically when teachers and learners engage in between-desks-teaching across a topic. There is a particular focus on one case in which this lesson event features extensively. This case reveals how between-desks-teaching can have a strategic purpose and has potential to be used deliberately when teaching a topic.

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