The market in free land on the estates of Bury St Edmunds c. 1086-c. 1300 : sources and issues

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Phillipp R. Schofield, « The market in free land on the estates of Bury St Edmunds c. 1086-c. 1300 : sources and issues », Publications de l'École Française de Rome, ID : 10670/1.ehno44


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The peasant market in free land in eastern England, that is the inter-vivos transfer of land for money or money’s worth, has been underexplored. While the market in unfree land has been given considerable attention for the years after c. 1250, there has been much less discussion of the market in free land and almost no discussion of the peasant market in free land. Although a twelfth-and thirteenth-century market in free land amongst higher status groups has been described in a number of contexts, the discussion of the peasant land market in free land is confined to some few, but important, wider studies. It is the purpose of this short paper to set out some of the possible sources that can be exploited to investigate the peasant market in free land from the eleventh to the thirteenth centuries ; in conclusion some further attempt will be made to consider the potential message of this material for investigators of the peasant land market.

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