At the End of the Trail : Some Implications of the Mention of Turquoise in Egyptian Tombs and Temples

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11 janvier 2009

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Julie Masquelier-Loorius, « At the End of the Trail : Some Implications of the Mention of Turquoise in Egyptian Tombs and Temples », HAL-SHS : histoire de l'art, ID : 10670/1.elrpm0


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Since ancient Egyptians did not have our knowledge of mineralogy, we would like to look into the way they considered turquoise and selected it among other gemstones -- especially lapis lazuli and malachite -- to please their kings and gods. We shall examine the sources relating to the provenance of turquoise and its storage in royal and divine compounds, with a particular focus on the inscriptions and reliefs found in New Kingdom tombs and temples.

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