Who is afraid of gay parents ?

Résumé En Fr

[début du texte] Legislation adopted in France in 1999, after some ten years of controversy, ensures that all couples, irrespective of the sex of the partners, can sign a “Pacte civil de solidarité”. A PACS is, however, far from being an equivalent to the civil partnerships introduced in the United Kingdom in 2005. Despite amendments in 2006, the PACS does not allow same-sex couples to acquire the rights enjoyed by married couples. More specifically, it does not allow them to adopt, either as a couple or as individuals (where one partner adopts the child and the other acquires the status of co-parent).

Dans cet article, publié lors des premiers débats sur le mariage pour tous•tes, en 2007, j'analyse la position de Sylviane Agacinski et mets en évidence ses contradictions, d'une part, et , d'autre part, ses convergences avec les positions, ouvertement réactionnaires de certains psychanalystes lacaniens, tel Michel Schneider.Sarkozy, Agacinski, Michel Schneider : même combat différencialiste et homophobe !

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