A Pleasure That Hurts: The Ambiguous Effects of Elite Tutoring on Underprivileged High School Students

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Son Thierry Ly et al., « A Pleasure That Hurts: The Ambiguous Effects of Elite Tutoring on Underprivileged High School Students », HAL-SHS : économie et finance, ID : 10.1086/705925


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This paper reports findings from a randomized evaluation of an intensive tutoring program conducted in underprivileged high schools. Within each school, the intervention targets students identified as having the ability to pursue a college education. The program is designed to strengthen their readiness for higher education. We demonstrate that such an intervention can have negative effects on a large fraction of participants, even though participation is entirely voluntary. This result is consistent with a simple model where time invested in extracurricular programs and time invested in homework represent imperfect substitutes in the education production function.

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