Gender parity: Legal foundations and theological issues in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

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1 janvier 2020

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Ghislaine N. Gurhahoza et al., « Gender parity: Legal foundations and theological issues in the Democratic Republic of the Congo », In die Skriflig, ID : 10670/1.exm370


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This study examines the legal foundations and the theological issue of gender equality in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), and proposes the adoption of an ethical approach towards the amelioration of this pertinent issue of human concern. Arguably, the achievement of gender equality in the DRC remains a myth, an objective to be realised, and a world of opportunity to be utilised. The argument pursued here is that the persistence of gender inequality has far-reaching consequences for all spheres of society. Therefore, it is crucial for women and men to be more proactive and work together towards the attainment of gender equality. This begins with the acquisition of adequate training for women in various fields. Thus, armed with the requisite knowledge and courage, women will be able to fully participate and effectively contribute to the advancement of society and the church in the same way as their male counterparts.

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