Towards negotiated governance of digital records: individual and collective information practices in organizations

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6 janvier 2015

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Dominique Maurel et al., « Towards negotiated governance of digital records: individual and collective information practices in organizations », HAL-SHS : sciences de l'information, de la communication et des bibliothèques, ID : 10.3828/comma.2013.1.2


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The diversity of information practices significantly impacts on the control, access and strategic use of records in organizations. Digital information governance represents a major challenge. It must take into account both individual and collective information practices. In this paper, information practices are discussed in relation with document trajectories and governance of records generated through business processes. Findings on the information practices of middle managers in a Canadian city are presented. They show that the daily governance of information is a ‘negotiated governance’, that there is either direct confrontation between employees and the bodies in charge of recordkeeping, or that confrontation and negotiation are avoided.

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