La continuité en lexicographie historique

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Marta Andronache, « La continuité en lexicographie historique », HAL-SHS : linguistique, ID : 10670/1.fk1a1x


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Our topic approaches the problem of the continuity in the historical lexicology. It is based in the lexicographical practice developed by the project DETCOL (Développement et exploitation textuelle d'un corpus d'œuvres linguistiques). The analysis is based on the relevant examples of the etymological notices reworked for the TLF-Etym (Trésor de la Langue Française – Etymologique). These notices are grouped together around the lexical field of the grammar terms and our subject so joins within a first evaluation of the DETCOL. Our submission focuses one the "Lexique(s)" field crosses the lexicological terminology with lexicography and constitution of electronic lexicons. Give first certificates is certainly fundamental for the lexicography, but is not enough. This process has to come along with a meticulous research to prove the circumstances of the creation, the transmission and the continuity of a lexeme. To reconstruct correctly the historic of a lexeme, the lexicographer has to take into account some indispensable philological and the lexicological principles (elements): dating, certificate and localization of the lexeme. There are angular stones to establish the "ID" of a lexical item. To make "the biography" of a word we also have to redraw the progress of the lexeme in the time and decide in the problem of his continuity. Indeed, the question "since when" exists this lexeme has to bring implicitly another one: what one knows about his continuity, which is his way through the time? This approach is necessarily to establish if there is or no continuity between the first certificate of a lexeme and his modern employment. It is the problem which we developing in our topic based in the lexicographical practice of the project DETCOL and the modern lexicological principles. Our analysis is based on the examples of the grammar terminology by the etymological notices reworked for the TLF-Etym. My plan will be the following : (make obvious the continuity as principle in lexicography) /clear the importance of the principle of continuity/ by relevant examples of terms of grammar with and without continuity, lexemes in first attestation belonging to DETCOL taxonomy.

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