I’m Worth It or I Need It? Self-Gift Giving and Consumers’ Self-Regulatory Mindset

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Dania Mouakhar-Klouz et al., « I’m Worth It or I Need It? Self-Gift Giving and Consumers’ Self-Regulatory Mindset », HALSHS : archive ouverte en Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société, ID : 10.1108/JCM-05-2015-1417


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Purpose – The aim of the research presented in this paper is to enhance our understanding of self-gift giving behavior. Self-regulatory theory isused as a conceptual support to achieve this objective. The main idea that is explored is that consumers’ self-gift purchase intentions vary acrosscontexts and situations to the extent that these are compatible or not with their self-regulatory mindset, whether it is chronic or situational.Design/methodology/approach – Two studies, using a scenario-based experiment, were conducted to investigate the effects that regulatory focushas on consumers’ intentions to buy themselves a gift.Findings – The results support the proposition that the chronic form of regulatory focus in success and failure situations has a significant impacton the intention to purchase a gift to oneself and show that the situational form of regulatory focus has an influence on self-gift purchase intentionas well. They also confirm that situations that are congruent with consumers’ self-regulatory mindset lead to stronger self-gift purchase intentions.Originality/value – The main contribution of this research lies in delineating the role that some specific dispositional and situational factors playin shaping consumers’ perceptions of success and failure events and how this impacts the eventual purchase of a gift to oneself. This contrasts withprevious research on self-gift giving, where success and failure situations are assumed to be perceived similarly by consumers. Marketing managerswishing to stimulate consumers’ propensity to buy themselves gifts should consider using regulatory focus as a segmentation basis. Marketingcommunications should be adapted to consumers’ self-regulatory mindset.

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