Territorio y nuevas ruralidades: un recorrido teórico sobre las transformaciones de la relación campo-ciudad

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"Several disciplines have discussed the formal characteristics of rural spaces, as wellas the appropriate concepts for studying their reconfi guration. Th is essay focuses on reviewing theapproaches to analyze contemporary ruralities and groups them in four categories: a) the sociologicalanalyticalapproaches, which refer to political, social and cultural processes that emerge as a resultof globalization b) the sociological-normative approaches, which intend to understand the causes ofsocial change in order to propose plans that generate transformation in territories and/or the ruralpeople lifestyles c) the spatial approaches, which explore the emergence and linkages among cities ofseveral sizes and their hinterlands and d) the neo-marxist approaches, which study the productionrelationships and their eff ects on the transformation of rural forms. Th e contents and theoreticalassumptions of these proposals are analyzed to show the underlying diff erent meanings of ruralityand to distinguish diff erent perspectives and methods used by each approach."

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