Three contemporary imaginaries of sortition : Deliberative, Antipolitical, and Radically democratic.

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1 mai 2022

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Yves Sintomer et al., « Three contemporary imaginaries of sortition : Deliberative, Antipolitical, and Radically democratic. », HAL-SHS : sciences politiques, ID : 10.1215/0961754X-9809207


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A contribution to the Common Knowledge symposium “Antipolitics,” this article examines the diverse types of imaginary that support sortition, which is currently at the heart of important debates on the reform of existing democratic institutions. Different and often diametrically opposed actors now advocate sortition as a tool for addressing crises of political representation. How are we to understand this convergence? Over the past two decades, the field of experience and the horizon of expectation of citizens in the global North have profoundly changed, and this article seeks to assess those changes in the context of three ideal types that advocate the use of randomly selected minipublics. This article analyzes, each in turn, the attraction of sortition for supporters and theorists of deliberative democracy, antipolitical democracy, and radical democracy, outlining the elements that unite and divide these imaginaries to help explain the astonishing convergence of voices in defense of sortition in politics.

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