El ejercicio del poder eclesiástico en la Hispania visigoda

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Francisco Javier Lomas Salmonte, « El ejercicio del poder eclesiástico en la Hispania visigoda », Actes du Groupe de Recherches sur l’Esclavage depuis l’Antiquité, ID : 10670/1.fyc2fm


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The political structure of Visigothic Kingdom manifests itself as a two-headed structure – Monarchy and Church – with a specific weight of the Church which collegially claimed and exercised its power to establish and maintain a predetermined moral, religious, social, economic, political, and cultural order. Power exercised by means of Authorities without further reasoning considered but as inevitable : Ecclesiastical writings of the Church Fathers, canons of Councils, Holy Scripture, and so on. Power that the Church exercised with the violence that gives the unchallenged leading role of Visigothic society. Violence by which imposes its doctrine and punishes what she considers deviant behaviour and deviations that do not fit the rules dictated, taking advantage of the secular arm that support their policies.

La estructura política del reino visigodo se nos presenta bicéfala – Monarquía e Iglesia – pero con un peso específico de la Iglesia afirmado colegiadamente y ejerciendo su poder para instaurar y mantener un preestablecido orden moral, religioso, social, económico, cultural y político. Poder que ejerce argumentándolo en Autoridades que considera, sin más razonamiento, ineluctables. Poder que ejerce con la violencia que le otorga el indiscutible papel rector de la sociedad visigoda, mediante la cual impone su doctrina y castiga lo que considera desvaríos y desviaciones, valiéndose del brazo secular que secunda sus actuaciones.

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