Itinerary 9. Tectonic, Palaeogeographic, and Landscape Evolution of the South-Vergent Nappe Structures and the Iberian Clastic Piedmont

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5 juin 2022


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Marc Calvet et al., « Itinerary 9. Tectonic, Palaeogeographic, and Landscape Evolution of the South-Vergent Nappe Structures and the Iberian Clastic Piedmont », HALSHS : archive ouverte en Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société, ID : 10.1007/978-3-030-84266-6_14


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Itinerary 9 explores the southern fold-and-thrust ranges of the eastern Pyrenees. Focus is on nappe structures (Pedraforca and Cadí units) and on the synorogenic Paleogene conglomerate sequences that were produced during the emplacement and tectonic deformation of those nappes. Itinerary 9 is also the southern equivalent of Itinerary 5, which provided insights into the history and composition of Paleogene conglomerate deposits in eastern Aquitaine. Greater magnitudes of post-orogenic uplift and deep fluvial incision across the Iberian piedmont afford opportunities for probing deeper into the tectonic structures and syn-orogenic foreland stratigraphy than was possible along the northern range front. Like no other landscape in Europe, the Pyrenean pro-wedge is thus exceptionally well suited to reconstructing the palaeogeography and other aspects of an intracontinental orogen’s syn- and post-tectonic evolution. Combining itineraries 5 and 9 (with components of Itinerary 4) overall provides a full cross-section of the orogenic wedge. The area covered here also hosts a number of previously unreported or poorly known landforms and deposits that hold important clues about landscape evolution during the Neogene.

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