Glenys Watt (Dir.), The role of adult guidance and employment counselling in a changing labour market. Final report on EUROCOUNSEL : an action research programme on counselling and long-term unemployment, Dublin, European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 1996

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Marie des Neiges Baudry de Vaux et al., « Glenys Watt (Dir.), The role of adult guidance and employment counselling in a changing labour market. Final report on EUROCOUNSEL : an action research programme on counselling and long-term unemployment, Dublin, European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 1996 », Formation Emploi, ID : 10670/1.gl917v


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Baudry de Vaux Marie, Chleq Elise, Deshayes Élisabeth, Tissot Françoise, Warin Maud. Glenys Watt (Dir.), The role of adult guidance and employment counselling in a changing labour market. Final report on EUROCOUNSEL : an action research programme on counselling and long-term unemployment, Dublin, European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 1996. In: Formation Emploi. N.58, 1997. Numéro spécial : enseignement supérieur et trajectoires étudiantes. p. 120.

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