Una aproximación a la administración municipal comparada. Los casos de los gobiernos locales de Austin y Hermosillo

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Región y Sociedad

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Nicolás Pineda Pablos, « Una aproximación a la administración municipal comparada. Los casos de los gobiernos locales de Austin y Hermosillo », Región y Sociedad, ID : 10670/1.h20phk


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"This work makes a brief comparative description of local governments and administrations of the city of Austin, Texas, and the municipality of Hermosillo, Sonora. The leading purpose is to review the extent of autonomy and control existingin each local government both in relation to state and federal governments and to local citizens. Thus the concepts of local government, legal base, the integration of the highest government unit, the range of substantive functions, financial structure of revenue and expenditure, and electoral participation are reviewed. The general conclusion is that the Hermosillo municipality shows up on the one side closelytied and controlled by state and federal governments and, on the other side, a very weak liaison to local citizenship. However a strong thrust towards change is perceived in the high extent of participation in local elections in Hermosillo."

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