Kant on Empirical and Transcendental Functions oF Memory

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Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad del Norte

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Héctor Luis Pacheco Acosta, « Kant on Empirical and Transcendental Functions oF Memory », Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad del Norte, ID : 10670/1.h4nxb7


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"This paper analyses the features of Kant’s view of memory, which Kant himself described explicitly in his lectures on anthropology and implicitly in the A edition of the Critique of Pure Reason. I shall offer a review of literature on Kant’s view of memory up to this day. I suggest that memory is a cognitive faculty that has the power to store and reproduce representations. Kant distinguishes among three different kinds of memorization which are relevant for human cognition. I offer reasons to hold that imagination and memory must be differentiated by their functioning, although the first one grounds the second one. Finally, I hold that certain functions of memory need to be presupposed at a transcendental level, in which memory would play a fundamental function with regard to the possibility of experience."

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