La refonte d’un cursus en entrepreneuriat centrée sur l’autonomisation des étudiants

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Frédérique Allard et al., « La refonte d’un cursus en entrepreneuriat centrée sur l’autonomisation des étudiants », HAL-SHS : économie et finance, ID : 10.3917/proj.017.0077


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This communication attempts to present the remodeling of a training program dedicated to entrepreneurship to improve the occupational integration of the students. Its objective was to develop abilities that the traditional educational approaches are not able to produce. The process of adoption and appropriation of more relevant practices is restored. Understanding their characteristics is the aim of a such presentation. innovative learning situations were gradually mobilized, federated bya pedagogy of the action. The result of this engineering effort was a composite device which required a steady accompaniment. At the heart of this dynamics of collective and individual accompaniment, the objective is the empowerment of the students. The peculiarity of this program of training is there. The main leversactivated to strengthen the autonomy of the students are examined. This study allows to estimate their impacts as well as their current limits. These limits concern as well as the students than intervenors and for both of them, it is a question of postures as well as of behaviors.

La refonte du cursus en entrepreneuriat restituée ici est le résultat d’une démarche d’adoption et d’appropriation de pratiques révélées plus aptes que d’autres à développer les compétences visées. Sur fond d’innovations pédagogiques qu’elle a mobilisées graduellement, elle a débouché sur un dispositif composite quiaffiche une priorité donnée à l’action. Au cœur de la dynamique d’accompagnement qu’elle appelait, l’objectif d’autonomisation des étudiants singularise ce cursus. L’examen de quelques leviers actionnés pour la renforcer permet d’en apprécier la portée autant que les limites actuelles.

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