Assessing the Usability of Georeferenced Tweets for the Extraction of Travel Patterns: A Case Study for Austria and Florida. GI_Forum 2014 – Geospatial Innovation for Society|

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3 février 2016

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Hartwig Hochmair et al., « Assessing the Usability of Georeferenced Tweets for the Extraction of Travel Patterns: A Case Study for Austria and Florida. GI_Forum 2014 – Geospatial Innovation for Society| », Elektronisches Publikationsportal der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschafte, ID : 10670/1.helxf0


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An understanding of people’s travel behavior is important for a functional design of transportation networks. This paper explores the use of georeferenced tweets for extracting aggregated travel patterns, i.e. describing the routes that people travel on a given day from origin to destination. The focus is on terrestrial long-distance travel, expanding over more than 100km. The study uses georeferenced tweets collected over four weeks for a test region in Austria and one in Florida. It applies selection filters to extract tweets that contain potentially useful information about users moving between different cells of the test regions. Further the mean travel direction for each grid cell is computed for different days and analyzed. The study also explores the use of a space-time permutation model to identify spatio-temporal clusters of tweets and their change over time.

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