Helping forest owners to manage forest carbon – the Forest Flux project. GI_Forum|GI_Forum 2021, Volume 1|

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29 juin 2021

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« Helping forest owners to manage forest carbon – the Forest Flux project. GI_Forum|GI_Forum 2021, Volume 1| », Elektronisches Publikationsportal der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschafte, ID : 10.1553/giscience2021_01_s137


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Forest Flux will renew forestry value-added services in Earth Observation (EO) by creating and piloting cloud-based services for committed users on forest carbon assimilation and structural variable prediction. Forest Flux exploits the explosive increase of high-resolution EO data from the Copernicus program and developments of cloud computing technology. It implements a world-first service platform for high-resolution maps of traditional forestry variables together with forest carbon fluxes. Forest Flux will allow the users to improve the profitability of forest management while taking care of ecological sustainability. The Forest Flux services are implemented on the Forestry Thematic Exploitation cloud platform In 2020, nearly 700 thematic maps on forest stand and carbon flux variables were delivered to nine specific users in a form that was applicable to their operational forest management systems. The last project year 2021 focuses on map product refinement and improving user services, which eventually lead to operational service concepts. Forest Flux is an Innovation Action project of the European Union, Grant Agreement No. 821860.

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