The use of ChatGPT on learning modes: A case study of postgraduate students in Grenoble, France

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Mayowa Olaleye, « The use of ChatGPT on learning modes: A case study of postgraduate students in Grenoble, France », DUMAS - Dépôt Universitaire de Mémoires Après Soutenance, ID : 10670/1.hu26qe


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Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies are increasingly being integrated into educational settings, transforming the learning landscape and offering new opportunities for postgraduate students in higher education. This study presents a comprehensive investigation into the influence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies, specifically ChatGPT, on the learning experiences of postgraduate students in higher education. By extending the Technology Acceptance Model 2 (TAM2) and the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), the study explores students' perceptions of ChatGPT as a learning tool and evaluates the impact of its adoption on their learning experiences. Qualitative research was undertaken via semi-structured interviews with postgraduate students to gain in-depth insights into their perceptions and experiences with ChatGPT. According to the study's findings, it confirms the applicability of the TAM2 and UTAUT models in explaining the acceptance of ChatGPT among postgraduate students. Factors such as perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and attitude toward ChatGPT directly influenced the actual usage of the tool. Additionally, behavioral intention and the enabling environment had a direct impact on the students' intention to use ChatGPT, aligning with previous studies. The findings also revealed that while students acknowledged the benefits of AI technologies like ChatGPT, they still exhibited a preference for traditional modes of learning. They considered AI as a supportive tool rather than a replacement for teachers, emphasizing the importance of the human element in education. This study contributes to the ongoing discussion about AI in education by providing a comprehensive understanding of how ChatGPT influences the learning experiences of postgraduate students, highlighting the importance of integrating AI technologies with traditional educational approaches. It serves as a foundation for future research by identifying factors that influence AI acceptance among students and suggesting directions for investigating the long-term effects of AI on learning experiences and the evolving role of educators in the digital era.

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