« Leo Löwenthal’s Text « The Demonic » as a Key to Understanding The Jewish and Religious Roots of Early Critical Theory” Le texte de Leo Löwenthal " Le démonique" comme clé de compréhension des racines juives et religieuses de la Théorie Critique naissante. En Fr

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16 mai 2022

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Frédéric Menager, « Le texte de Leo Löwenthal " Le démonique" comme clé de compréhension des racines juives et religieuses de la Théorie Critique naissante. », HAL-SHS : philosophie, ID : 10670/1.i0jqpz


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In this communication, I will focus on a text that actually belongs to a constellation of texts that form a coherent whole from Lukàcs to Benjamin and Bloch. It is Leo Löwenthal's rarely read "The Demonic" that will provide the basis of our reflection.It is probably one of the most astonishing texts, coming from an author attached to Critical Theory, whatever the genre considered, and a fortiori one of the rare ones explicitly concerning religion. It is also a text with a strong biblical and esoteric tone, which summarizes the contradictions concerning the dialectic between the use of the Religious and a critique of Reason within the first Critical Theory.

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