No + AFP: Video activism, civic mobilization and protest movements for decent pensions in neoliberal Chile

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1 juin 2020

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Salome Sola-Morales, « No + AFP: Video activism, civic mobilization and protest movements for decent pensions in neoliberal Chile », Comunicación y medios, ID : 10670/1.i6ay9i


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: This paper analyzes the use and appropriation of digital media by the Chilean social movement No + AFP. Specifically, the spotlight is placed on the movement’s digital video activism practices and its communication activity; organizational and collective action strategies mediated by new information and communication technologies. A qualitative (content analysis) methodology was developed to analyze the movement’s most relevant videos regarding three aspects: (1) political strategy; (2) actors, and (3) the locations in which videos were filmed. The main conclusion is that video activism was central to supporting the movement’s offline strategy. The videos were basically used for propaganda and informational purposes and became a challenge against hegemonic media production in Chile; the main actors were citizens opposing the corporate, the hegemonic media and the government; and the streets, the traditional protest setting, were the preferred location.

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