O corpo cúmplice da vida: considerações a partir dos depoimentos de mulheres obesas de uma favela carioca

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Ciência & Saúde Coletiva

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Vanessa Ferreira Alves et al., « O corpo cúmplice da vida: considerações a partir dos depoimentos de mulheres obesas de uma favela carioca », Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, ID : 10670/1.i9if1w


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"The current article presents conclusionsof a developed research in ENSP/Fiocruz, aspart of a master degree course, about the relationbetween poverty and obesity from the symbolicstructure seizure around the body. The researchhad as a goal examining the perception about thebody of a fat women group living in a cariocaslum, from the use of the qualitative methodology,using the technique of the semi-structured interview.The final researches in this work showedthat among the Rocinha women was in forceproper standards of body that tied little estheticattributes. The examined women noticed the obesityin a different way. It was felt through clinicalsymptoms as for example: “leg pains”, “backpains”, “lack of breath”, “less disposition”. It wasstill possible to observe that the fat body wassometimes valorous among the group, tied towork and the social condition. These results leadus to believe that the obesity assume proper outlinesin the different contexts and social groups.For this reason we believe to be necessary the fulfillmentof new research dates about the obesitytheme in Brazil."

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