The Role Of Türkiye In Ukraine

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23 mai 2023

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Armin Dusinovic, « The Role Of Türkiye In Ukraine », HAL-SHS : sciences politiques, ID : 10670/1.icjxtq


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Türkiye has always been an important geostrategic partner for NATO, the EU, Russia, and the US. The geographic position of Türkiye makes it crucial in political, military, and economic aspects of global politics. Since the beginning of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Türkiye has shown great interest in cooperating with all sides, including the US, Ukraine, NATO, and Russia. Moreover, Türkiye has been calling upon Russia and Ukraine to negotiate peace talks, free passage of grain, and humanitarian corridors. Türkiye is a longstanding NATO ally. Since the end of World War I, Türkiye has had full control over the traits in Bosphorus and Dardanelles, resulting in a ban of any military vessels from entering without prior notice. This was concluded in the Montreux Treaty. However, with the new Istanbul Canal, the situation might change, and NATO vessels might freely conduct operations within the area of the Black Sea, raising tension between NATO and Russia and ultimately disrupting Russia´s military assistance through the Black Sea. These ever-changing aspects of the Türkiye´s relationship with the West and East show the dangerous strategy that Erdogan is using.

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