Consumer purchase of terroir products in tough macro-economic conditions: A panel data investigation

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Joseph Kaswengi et al., « Consumer purchase of terroir products in tough macro-economic conditions: A panel data investigation », Décisions Marketing, ID : 10670/1.iq8agz


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• ObjectivesThe aim of this study is to examine the effects of store image factors on customer behavior toward terroir store brand products during periods of economic expansion (vs. contraction). • MethodologyThis study combines store perception data with observed purchase behavior data provided by Marketing Scan’s Behavior Scan panel (GFK & Mediametrie). A typical period in France, consisting of an expansion year (2007) followed by a contraction period (2008), was chosen to assess the impact of the macroeconomic situation. • ResultsLow store prices, store display promotions, feature promotions, and store variety image positively influence terroir store brand product consumption, while brand quality image generally negatively influences it. During economic contraction, store brand quality image increases terroir store brand product choice, while low store prices, display promotions, variety, and layout image decrease it. In addition, store brand quality image increases purchase quantities. Conversely, display promotions, feature promotions, low store prices, and store variety image reduce them. • OriginalityThis study adds to the local product literature by examining the relationships between terroir store brand products and store image under different macroeconomic conditions. It highlights that low store prices, store display promotions, feature promotions, store variety image, and store brand quality image are central in explaining the choice of terroir store brand products during contractionary periods.

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